being anonymous

On reading the comment "Its really nice t read your blogs.PLease continue writing.These blogs are close to my heart...." - read comment; I dont know what to say but speechless would be an understatement, You have left no trace of thy name or contact but, a wave touches me deep within with some telepathic mechanism. The pattern of text with a combination of smaller and taller characters indicate your emotional touch and you being SHE. They say if you feel like doing something do it rather than thinking and fantasizing. Nature and situations have taught me to remain silent at times even if you like someone so much :( you cant say it .. what if she loves somebody else .. what if she doesnt lik you .. Sometimes even if you know what you are doing is wrong you have to do it cuz may be u are destined. I would like to know your name and a mail and wud want to talk to you since your faceless image torments me since. As of me am one who loves to take life as it comes, believing self, walking barefoot on the empty roads .. seeing the sun rise and hide .. talking to people far older than me .. fantasizing abt things that are close .. sitting alone admist the sea waves thinking about moments that provoke thought .. smiling and being sad at times for what i have done ... doing things i have always loved to make them memories i can live on ..
I like writing as it flows and hope it makes some sense .. being anonymous you have made a strong imprint on my thoughts and left me to wait for our meeting sometime in the span of the parallel time to understand and cherish innate experiences ... to listen to and float in the depth of your words.