The pricking sunny afternoon with the warm loo hitting your face, as you walk on the muddy roads of rural India, might just compel you to stand beneath the shades of a large banyan tree on one side of the road. Its not the tiled road of the metros rather crude muddy ones, which would not mind emitting dust particles upon the slightest ghust of wind over it. You arent relieved yet .. for the loo still hits your face with the increasing heat. Yet the shade relieves you from the pricking rays falling directly on the skin. Heavens out there for a moment!! Thats india!
Jerk !
Its time for you to move out from the shade of the tree for you realise the sun has gone down and the wind has chilled .. and you are running out of time for your next assignment. Thats how we have all become. We RUN. I have been running since. This morning i learn she isnt able to walk anymore. Her voice trembles over the phone, it hurts her thighs probably. He is growing weak. Still keeps himself engrossed in work just to keep himself out of the pain he has been in since for a reason he knows not.
He speaks over the phone with a self created energetic tone which isnt original. Never tells me what has happened for he fears his son might just break down. Hes younger than me in age but suddenly i realize hes crossed my maturity levels for he understands things better than i might have ever done. Hes become numb. Smiles .. encourages me .. i wonder how young he is .. Makes me realize that it isnt necessary for me to evade the problem space for he can tackle even if he stands on top of his own ambitions and likes.
Cant write anymore.
Times make you realize the mistake you have been doing .. You forget to look down.. look at the roots of the giant tree for you lie on the top amongst the leaves and that has become your world. Is it that amforked has traveled far away from its root with a mind occupied by logic .. fingers by keys and mouth by some coffee .. Growing numb with time .. it hurts me for the root fails to take me as a part .. Never know what am going to do with the span i am being given by HIM for without the root and her it might be just NOTHING. Its the dark silent space filled with ether and am jst like the pendulum moving in a cycle with no control over self for its all directed and governed. Am sorrier than ever for i couldn’t do anything and I still crawl with the limbs so crippled. Yet I will not leave crawling for the day will come for me to walk and run.
Hear the rider galloping; farther he proceeds the more he knows, hears, feels & gets committed to achieve the goal. My boy, proceed on. Remember, all your efforts are your achievements. Train runs within certain stations.Only the time that passes that stays for ever with a landmark of wonderful memories.
Today this much.
Well dis is how it goes about wid vry1 i guess:( ...v wanna achieve too mch ,,,RIGHTLY SAID.,"tIME IS TOO SHORT TO DO SOMETHING ND TOO LONG TO DO NOTHING"...1 thing to be remembered is keeping the bond and relationships intact...
Seed germinates.. Tree grows,, Deepens the root,, enabling leafs to grow further...
As the leafs grow higher more evolved and enabled tree becomes..
Growth of the leaf is growth of the tree thus growth of the roots..
Root is aware that further the trees leaves and branches grow more stronger the Stem(Bond) becomes :)
So, Grow and flourish my dear as it is where the sole purpose of life lies... In Evolution !!
Warm Regards,
Aditi Khanzode
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