..open book, closed chapters

Another year comming to an end. This time last year i was still pondering on the thoughts of yours, on the 7th floor on my office building. The new year eve, zero night that was. Trying to explain this mind of mine to take control of things which it can and bribe it to go far away. Certainly i have failed to zero down the intensity. Yet there has been a change..

What streams is Avril's "i am with you" .. and theres a sense of her being so close to me as she sings ..

"i am standing on the bridge
i am waiting in the dark
i thought that you would be here...

its a damn cold night
trying to figure out this life
wont you take me by the hand ..

wont you? hehe never mind.. its just a feeling which will probably fade with time. Not yet.....

Apparently this life is so similar to an open book with closed chapters. Sometimes, a slight ghust of wind trying to open those chapters, where you were a component dear. Only if I could seal them.. Hehe it wouldnt be a book then ;) And its been wonderful... i suppose the same goes for u. Certainly theres a quest to rewind time .. even if theres the rarest effort! Sheer thoughts and remembrance somehow blocks this mind from writing .... ;) a paradox! it is....


Sheetal Mehta said...

Beautiful!! if one cud RewinD time.. :)

Anonymous said...

A friend had once said " memories have a funny way of making us smile when we rember the time we cried together, and making us cry when we remember the time we laughed together". For once we both agreed :). Anyways a book with closed chapters is like a song without lyrics. Its the content that make a book. And i say its unfair to the readers is selective closure is exercised by the author. :)