There’s pin drop silence resembling the silence you find in a graveyard. Piercing this silence is thy name! Someone calls you. As you stand up, there’s a focused light, illuminating your footpath as you move ahead to the stage!
Am sure there would have been an instance in your life, you might have stood up alone on the stage, with people looking at you, cheering you up ... you won!
Scrap papers, little sketches, thoughts, every time you dreamt of something, in every breath of yours, probably you wished to be there. You wanted to be there someday and you finally you were! Your plans of how you would react, once you are there don’t work out. Spellbound, tears of joy roll down your soothing your beautiful cheeks, you want someone to come close and embrace you.. or is it that you want to hug someone you love the most! .. The feeling that is limited by round words….
Be in that moment for a while.
Can you express what were you feeling then? Does it happen the way you had planned? Its instantaneous again. Dear that was when I felt the 270 minutes.. minutes of the presence, before this mind started battling with this heart, finally convincing this body to push off....
I realize I cant stop the mind, not thoughts, nor time, to cease its pace... yet the moments do leave an imprint. An imprint similar to those of eroded lands by a strong flow of the stream. I am but eroded...
Dear for me it was the same 270 minutes... a lifetime. Rising high, on the green fields, floating with the thoughts, assimilating your presence, being in the present, not worrying about anything anymore... Watching the tree and its beauty as a whole, no more questions regarding its geometrical structure.
No sooner there’s the struggle between the mind and heart. They say heart governs this body and mind governs the life. Eventually mind overpowers ... heart like a little innocent child cries and accommodates.
It is increasingly difficult to block the mind. Should I let it think free or should it be governed is the question.... This time its not the mind which asks.. its the heart dear... and i go speechless....
They say sometimes you have to walk away form the people whom you ......
hehehe :) silence it is. 19 dOt 270 was a lifetime….
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