for all roses have thorns

Your smile has turned to be more of mechanical. The voice resembling the nightangle once isnt that sweet anymore. Yes it was sweet. It took me into trance as i sat down in the 3rd row on an individual desk back at school. Resting my head on the movable desk, all i could was hear your voice delineating all external sounds but yours, remember "aaie desa aaie mati ... " ...Its hard for a man to recollect whatever has happened but i guess that was when Ms Bridget Dsouza was the class teacher; and you sang for the competition. I can hardly remember the result.

Cant forget your light blue attire on stage in bharatnatyam and odissi if i am not wrong. Your movement to the tune, was so mesmerizing! Dreams and fantasies happen to be ones greatest assets cuz u don't need a permission to own them. Its when the smile on your face refuses to stay; your fantasies overtake your present getting back the lost cheers. Being young has its own advantage of owning some of those crazy ambitious and possessive thoughts. Probably it had to be locked up .. i wish i could govern it.

You happen to see it everywhere, in books, beside you, in your dreams, while you eat ... a small detachment leaves you so lone ... as if its the only thing you want to own. Having crossed stages, collecting experiences in time i stand here and reassess my childish state .. was it infatuation and nothing more. I don't know.

This day i try to talk to her, she is getting busy as days pass, trying to make a mark on the professional path. Prioritizing things with me probably lost somewhere in the list ... dear that happens .. its natural .. as by nature all systems have to move form order to chaos and back. I dont regret that. Even she, trying to get things under control. I cant talk ... it all ends abruptly .. sadly but i dont know what to say except for a couple of mundane clauses. Am confused in the middle, cuz u have never been so close for me to open up probably. You feel i have grown old ... mad ... might be ... havent really got enough seconds to rethink on my state. Wished you were close enough.

But then I do understand, as my mentor says, all the best things in the world cant be yours. You like a lot of things but cant possibly posses everything.

I cant say why this happened to you and shall always question HIM why does it happen.

Its not that i don't like or appreciate roses, but am afraid for all roses have thorns, and not all roses can stay being mine. Yes some say if you handle rose properly the thorn never pricks ... Shall forever miss those times, but then u happen to be too far .... at some point priorities do take over your fantasies.


Shalz said...

well i agree wid u on the "Infatuation" point! tatz wat it is most of d time! the grass is always green on d oder side of d fence! we never or rarely get a chance to interact wid d oder person to realize or analyze dem!!